Our Beliefs

What are the beliefs of Grace United Methodist Church?  

As a church in The United Methodist connection, our theology aligns with the Book of Discipline and the Book of Social Principles.  

Here is a small sampling of what we believe…


God is in our constant presence, as Creator and Participator of creation, meaning God is still and always involved in all things, thus everything we do in life matters and is affected by God’s presence because God is affected by what we do.  God truly cares about the personal relationship each individual shares with God and one another.  While we may not know the fullness of God’s purposes, we can know part of God’s purpose for us is to not only share love, but more importantly to be loved by God.  This love comes in many ways, one of the most powerful in United Methodist theology being that of grace.

Jesus Christ

Through Jesus, we see the manifestation of God in the world and among humanity, as well as how we as humanity can live a life in service and connection to God and the world.  Jesus came to the world as fully divine and fully human.  Through this we can know God more fully through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as know God’s personal love for us.  As fully divine Jesus Christ is revealed as God incarnate in the world, the Word that is God and with God since the beginning. Through Jesus’ humanity we see Christ as a Lord of service, of connection, and of humiliation.  To have a Lord as someone who washes the feet of another is to have a Lord whose love knows no bounds, and whose reaching knows no limits.  

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit, being of one substance in the Trinity of God, is the mysterious means and life by which we are able to personally come to know the Divine.  The Holy Spirit exists in all Creation at all times.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of God and the love of Christ come alive in us and empower us to grow closer to God.  The Holy Spirit provides opportunities for humans to come together in our broken state, offering us the comfort and assurance of God’s love. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that our faith is given life within us, as well as the power to make our faith alive in the service we do for God and for the world. 

The Church

The Church strives to be the embodiment of God’s active presence in the lives of humanity.  The church exists as a sanctuary and symbol of individual and communal refuge, worship, empowerment, and service.  It is through the nature of the church that humanity comes to search and know the living God by the power of the Holy Spirit; and in active participation, discerns and engages Christ’s call into mission and ministry.  The nature of the church is not contained only within a building, but in the gathering of community in the name of Jesus Christ.  It is the mission of The United Methodist Church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Want to learn more about United Methodist beliefs?  

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