Room at the Table

January 26, 2025
In today’s text, Jesus challenged the Pharisees’ ways because their ways reduced religion to a set of rules. This is why Jesus said that the Pharisees should cleanse their hearts…

Rejoice! Repent!

December 15, 2024
The third Sunday of Advent is traditionally “Joy Sunday” and the pink or rose-colored Advent candle is lit. Rejoicing is a big part of what it means to prepare for…
Last week we looked at Advent as being the anticipation of Christ’s second coming, and not that of his birth 2,000 years ago. The second Sunday of Advent, traditionally the…

Are You Ready?

December 1, 2024
Through the centuries there have been many well-meaning people who have been tripped up by the so-called Apocalyptic writings in the scriptures. We look at these scriptures each year during…