On Sunday, Sept. 22, we will be have a covered dish meal, following our
worship service! But this time, we’re going to do something different!
It will be Taste of Memories, and we’d like for you to bring a dish or two from
our Grace church cookbooks, maybe your favorite recipe of our past members.
If you don’t have one of our 3 church cookbooks, then bring a favorite dish of
your mother, grandma, aunt etc. We will have a sign-up sheet in the entryway,
so we’re not all bringing the same dish (of Mary Hartman, Mary Jane
Oberhelman) etc., for those preparing from the cookbooks. Plus, we’d like to be
able to label your dish, as to the honored recipe.
Then, we’ll have more “Taste of Memories” by sharing memories from 3
fantastic ladies, Nora, Leona F. & Leona B., who have been life-time members
(or married into family who were). They will share old photo’s, former church
bldg., this church construction & dedication, old church photo directory’s,
etc. If time permits, we could have other’s share, or do that at a later date.
This can be a fun fellowship, reminiscing about our past in our Lord’s beautiful
building! Whether you went to S. School, Bible School, Youth group, married,
baptized your babies, there’s so many wonderful memories here! So, please
invite your children, or former members, etc. to come & be a part of this event!
Let’s Give God the Glory & Praise!