Paul: Can I Get a Witness?
Today, we focus our attention on Paul’s visit to Philippi. Philippi was truly a Roman city, established by retired Roman military officers. There was no synagogue in Philippi. There were some Jewish women and God fearer women who gathered outside the city gates to pray. Paul goes to the group and shares Christ with them.
Paul’s first convert in Philippi is Lydia, a God fearer and a single working mother. Lydia becomes the founding member and leader of the Christian church in Philippi.
Paul’s second convert is also a woman, but not one of the women who gathered with Lydia. This woman was a fortune teller and apparently legit. She announced loudly and everywhere that Paul and Silas were servants of the Most High God. This should have been cool, but it was very disruptive and pushed people away from learning about Christ.
Paul cast out the demon in the woman and in its place came the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This angered those who made money from the woman’s fortune telling. Paul and Silas are beaten and thrown in prison. In prison, Paul and Silas give a witness for Christ that Philippi had never experienced before.