January 26, 2025

Room at the Table

Passage: Luke 11:37-44
Service Type:

In today’s text, Jesus challenged the Pharisees’ ways because their ways reduced religion to a set of rules. This is why Jesus said that the Pharisees should cleanse their hearts as well as their hands. Jesus’ concern was not so much the religious practices of the Pharisees as it was that they have a religion they could practice. Jesus’ focus was on the love of God and of neighbor and how that was to be lived out, which is more difficult and humbling.

Through the years, archaeological discoveries in the Holy Lands have helped us to better understand the biblical teachings of love and justice. One biblical understanding that has changed through these discoveries is that only the royalty and wealthy actually lived within the walls of a city. The vast majority of people lived outside the walls as farmers and shepherds.

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